Passionate Pursuits – Chapter 5

5 Chapter Ads - Passionate PursuitsBy Wednesday evening, Gabbriel has enjoyed a full workday with a busy schedule happening at a constant pace to then be adding even more for the coming days. These seemingly endless activities include travelling arrangements for her to be out of the country for the next month. It additionally brings the direct employment of her corporation`s vice president to handle any business dealing with Gentz Stephen Xavier. Thus, the entire matter of publicity and book creation is shuffled into capable hands. Otherwise, Gabi made certain that she only needs to sign documents at the end of the process. This provides relief from some of life`s tension And of course, it has Xavier no longer directly involved with her.

Yet, at exactly seven on Wednesday evening, when comfortably sitting on the queen-sized bed Gabi gazes across the bedroom while exhaling a frustrated sigh. A sigh about Gentz somehow now slips into thoughts. He does even though she thinks that she shunned him from her personal life. Yet, here he is sort of in her private bed chamber by invading her mind. He comes in via visions of recollecting the evening that existed yesterday. That provides delicious images of her on that large bed of his and him kneeling to treat her to several powerful orgasms. She shakes those brunette tresses to chase away the thoughts but those are not vanishing. Thus, as she stands up hoping that not being in bed chases the memory flashes away. And with forcing those to disappear small calm arrives.

So with a winner`s smile, she continues to slowly unbutton the white dress shirt before she loosens the black silk tie that rests loosely around her shoulders. She then takes to wishing to sit back down but hesitates to rest back upon the bed.

” Why, why, oh why”. Is her immediate query but she knows the answer. It is that some part of her fears the flashes of Gentz returning for those bring feelings. Such is pondered for a split second before suddenly chasing away such nonsense. “This is my bedroom, not his. He has no place here,” Or at least that is what she sums up.

With those thoughts, she looks about the room before removing her pants. This leaves her with stockings, a wide opened dress shirt, and a dangling tie. Gabi then works out the tension in her neck by flexing. When satisfied she plants that firm ass on the bed while taking a deep breath over the craziness concerning Gentz.

Sitting on the bed taking deep breaths as the cellphone alerts her about Roy calling from the office. Nine in the evening with Roy busy with several things for the coming days. She too is usually at the office but tonight is a dinner with her family and it is a must to attend. She is to be getting dressed for it but with the picking up of the phone and the clicking she hears Roy begin.

“ Don’t say a word. Listen! ” States Roy within a tone of demanding her to do just that, but then his voice turns excited and so serious too.

“ Ms. Gabbriel Aria Bruce, the direct descendant of Pemberton Anise Bruce has been cordially invited to a private, non-media exposition of never-before publically displayed artifacts of historical seafaring collections. Only, Ms. Bruce is to attend the ‘Invitation Only’ ceremony of uncrating. She represents the P.A. Bruce family in the unveiling of objects that are connected to ancestral parties of her hereditary DNA lineage. Ms. Bruce is to join members of the Brotherhood of Seafarers International and the Mystics Of Antiquity, along with other descendants with similar ties to the various inheritable collections. The location is Pier Porthouse, Wharf Seven. The uncrating takes place under the Scorpio full moon on this very night. The requested attire is casual dressy. The time of entrance is exactly midnight, not any seconds after. Lateness is disallowed with non-entrance as the penalty. Lateness will accompany the forfeiture of the items inherited on this night. Please do attend, bringing your curiosity and personal identification to the ‘Landing’. Sincerely, J.S. Simpson, Esquire – President of the Brotherhood of Seafarers International.”

With that Roy isn’t quiet, but he pauses to take a breath before hurriedly saying, “ Listen girlie, you know who he is. He is a power in the world, a powerful secret society leader. He orchestrated the entire dig of the new archeology in the Arctic. He is the one funding the four new high-tech universities here in the states. And the list of elite connections is forever long. He wipes his ass with thousand-dollar bills to then flush them without a second thought. It is tonight. So are you going? ”

Roy stops to a gasping breath but he doesn’t stop because he knows his boss has no choice in going. “ Hell yes, get on your best knickers, sexy knickers, and the sassiest shirt. No, do a skirt or something. Go get him, and find out what the secret is. He said no media, but damn we are media and we got the scoop. He can give us endless business too.”

Gabrielle ponders the information that has come flooding at her. She then responds to him with a laugh, “ Oh you, you would have me climbing electric fences to get news stories. But you forget we are a publisher, not media news. However, get the mini cam ready for my purse. And, get over here to help install it. Also, bring me some dinner from any place, maybe some Asian. I am calling father to cancel dinner and to ask him about family history, etc. ”

“ Yes, boss, but is it chicken or pork? ” queries Roy grinning into knowing that he is getting what he wants, getting adventure via Gabi.

“ Make it pork, broccoli, and extra noodles. You know how I like it. And wine, lots of white wine.” Commands Gabi with feeling curious about the potential of what is going to be a bit of intrigue.

By midnight, Gabi likes everything that exists, including being fully dressed in fitted beige dress pants and a beige leather belt, along with an Asian-collared royal purple dress blouse unbuttoned just above her mid-breast to display excellent cleavage. So pretty and she wears shirts extremely well with this blouse accentuating those full firm breasts and seductive curves. Many would say that she looks hot in a barley sack but still, she likes clothes fitted and fitting for the events attended. And tonight she fits in among the other four-dozen individuals on the quay that are dressed classy casual.

“ Hey Gab`s, welcome to Pier Porthouse, Wharf Seven. ” congenially greets Jasper Thomson, a wealthy businessman that owns the pier. He is the elder man that initiated the upgrades of what once existed as an old useless wasteland of port space. This long-time friend of Gabi`s is the major investor in the refurbishment of this wharf that is now part of an upscale area of the city. He did it with Gabi supplying free media support and the promise to free use of anything located on the pier. But she has never come here before tonight. Thus, it`s a first.

As she steps toward him, Jasper Thomson leans over to whisper, “ Grand tour tomorrow if you want it. Tonight, we both have ancestors who have given items to the Brotherhood. It is you and I, along with Jameson Kauldoon, Cory Willis, and just about every prestigious family on the American eastern seaboard. It also seems we have big-time company among us paupers too. Plus, our host from the Mystics Of Antiquity is more than a mystery. Yet, all these masked dudes around here seem to be nobodies.” Jasper proclaims in whispers as he points toward a few of the several dozen males dressed the same as each other.

These men of nobodies wear black buccaneers dress shirts, black tuxedo pants, hooded masks and a sword belt that hold an actual factual katana. And they are guarding whatever the event is to be.

“ Nonetheless, I swear that I spotted a Kennedy, a Rothschild, an Astor, Aldrich, Kane, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Washington, Windsor and more amongst our invited comrades. ” This flow easily from Jasper in excitement while pointing toward each assumed representative.

“Uhm.” softly utters Gabbriel while gathering info about happenings around them as she adjusts her purse to have it get a good view of anything in the vicinity. “ Not shocking, Jasp. We both know that the Seafarers are collectors of wealthy and affluent families. Families who can keep money hoarded. Keepers of treasures, hidden businesses and secrets within secret societies. All of them should be expected to be Seafarer members.”

“ True, but you and I aren’t on the inside of those. We are basic billionaires and commoner folks, who made it the hard way. ” Comes as a reminder from Jasper in finding serenity.

The two stand there occasionally greeting fellow notables and being congenial within it all. In it, there is a sharing of laughter over the invite with additions of curious comments with those ending at the strike of midnight. Then the crowd gathered on the quay, in the cold night air, comes to a full standstill. All activities halt at the sudden trumpeting of ceremonial music ringing out. A trumpeter dressed exactly like the other masked Seafarer guards. Then on the sounding of the last note the massive doors belonging to the renovated warehouse in front of the throng gradually open.

“ Ah, entrance. ” Proclaims Jasper to the several that are standing and chatting in their small collected group.

“ Yes, it would seem to be. ” Replies Gabi who wonders many things about this event. One of which is who is the chief mystic. She wonders this due to an assumption that it is why she is invited.

In the next moments, the entire gathering is ushered into the renovated double warehouse that is restructured into a concert venue that seats four thousand. One of the great things about this venue is that it contains a good dozen medium-sized antechambers for social gatherings. Each of which holds a capacity of forty guests and on this night four rooms are opened to allow the showing of antiques.

Within an hour, the viewing is in full swing with no introduction by anyone. Therefore, it is assumed that a free flow of everyone is permitted within a meandering around to see the very well-arranged displays of seafaring equipment and paraphernalia. So that is exactly what exists as the masked male members of Seafarers guide everyone and watch over all that is happening.

Gabbriel spends a large amount of time connecting to fellow invitation holders while taking in the sights and trying to find what it is that is here from her ancestry. She finds all items on display labelled with information and the connection to various families but after two rooms she is quite dissatisfied with her search. That leaves her to notice a party waitperson passing by and she figures that she needs a drink. So she stops him to retrieve the second glass of white wine as she passes over an empty crystalline glass. Then with a sigh, she walks to the next table of the displays. In doing this she cordially smiles at the Seafarer member standing guard over this very well-laid-out display. The fine presentation is a brass compass, brass miniature telescope, and four worn handwritten seaman’s journals. These accompany an old wrought iron key and a metal box. When seeing them she takes a sip of the wine before setting her gaze on reading the label that is with the exhibition.

“ Pemberton Anise Bruce, Seaman first class of the Ascension in the Empirical Royal British Fleet. One Dry Compass, one Seaman’s Telescope with the original Cardboard style tube case, four naval journals – handwritten documentation of seafaring expeditions of intercontinental travel, and an accompanying metal chest with a key. The source of the find is Victorian-era basement ruins in old Dublin, Ireland. The current caretaker and owner of artifacts are Gentz Stephen Xavier, Junior Vice President of Mystics Of Antiquity and Fourth Class Seafarer. ”

“ Pretty ain’t it, my Pretty One. It is all yours for a kiss, a kiss. ” flirtily utters Gentz seeming like a cat who catches mouse bounty.

Gabi is instantly livid. She not only whips around to stare into those dark mystical eyes, but she reaches out to swing at him. Yet, he is aware of what is coming. Thus, he swiftly grasps her wrist. “ Now, now, you like me. You like your hubby. You do. ” It is cooed sugary intro with him being too close and too much of everything.

“ Oh, oh, oh.. ” is just about all that Gabi forms as her heart races causing her blood pressure to zoom high and her mind to suddenly be engulfed in emotions and more.

Gentz stares her down and glares into those eyes of green with the daring her to push public rudeness and to make a big hellish display for them both. He likes her getting unravelled, oh yes he does.

“ Your eyes say fuck me. We can have sex right here if you wish. Just keep bringing all those emotions, my pretty one. I like when you have a fire. Come, kiss me. ” He says with all the spritely badass glee that can be.

“ Fuck you! ” She exclaims in an almost scream of utter disdain of all that now exists.

“ Oh, I know that you want to, but first a kiss. Kiss me, Pretty One, and we will make up. ” Cheerily suggests Gentz in puckering up to kiss her.

Gabi`s breath deepens and her heart is not still. Infuriated. Not wanting to be spellbound by looking into his eyes but Gabbriel looks into his eyes as she gathers her senses. Yes. it most assuredly is taking a daring risk. Thus, there is coaxing herself to do.

‘ Do not, do not give him anything and do not look at him and step away from it all. Step away, girl. Do not do … ’

Yet, she does not, she looks, she lingers in staring into those eyes and she feels him not letting go of her wrist. Therefore, she feels him, sees him, is touching him and smells him. Then suddenly the cord is there. That invisible thread to his soul unites to her soul and it is pulling her into him. It pulls, and it entwines with her until she is unaware of herself physically leaning forward to pucker up to kiss. She kisses him, she kisses him hard and she simply continues staring into his eyes as he returns the passion of it while wrapping her in his strong arms.

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